Session rules

Slides are not mandatory, but if you have any please upload them no later than half an hour BEFORE your presentation on this gdrive folder after choosing the appropriate subfolder. A google account is needed. In alternative it is possible to use an USB-key to upload it to the computer available for each session.

A volunteer will be in the room to help with technical issues and downloading from the gdrive folder to the laptop the slides of the presenters. Also, s/he will help in case your presentation is on an USB stick.

The chairperson will check whether all persons who are scheduled to present are in the room and then make sure that each presenter stays within speaking time. If someone does not show up, KEEP SCHEDULED speaking times, and leave the spare time for discussion after all presentations.

This conference is a Q without A conference: priority is given to collecting questions and hints. Speakers will answer only to short clarification questions. This is imposed by both time and cognitive limits. As suggested several years ago by Silvio Funtowicz, when he was chairing a session, presenters usually need time for giving fully appropriate answers to brilliant questions. Hence, ALL questions/hints will be collected rather than giving time to presenters for clutching at straws.


·  In LIGHTNING TALKS presenters have 300 SECONDS. A two-minute silent pause between presentations will be used by us for arranging for the next presenter, and by the floor to reflect and to write their questions/suggestions online or on cards that each participant will find in the conference bag. Collected questions/suggestions will be given to the presenters, either directly or with the help of our volunteers. An area in the lunch hall will be reserved to the session presenters to meet persons wishing to discuss the work s/he shortly presented.

·  In the “traditional” and “lotteries” presenters have 12-minute presentation + 3 minutes questions. Authors and chairs will agree whether using the time for questions after each presentation or at the end of the session.